
Logistic new construction or renovation? We guide you through all the steps in your project.

Network study

Storage improvement

Supervision of logistical building projects

Storage and building permits

15+ years of experience with logistics management and building DCs larger than 60,000 m2.

Experience in Europe: projects in different countries.

Appreciated for a pragmatic approach within complex environments.

Knowledge of necessary permits, fire safety and legislation.

Your partner for logistics management

IDS Consultancy supports the entire process

Your business is growing, and your logistics are growing along with it. Your warehouse may be getting too small, which makes you consider a renovation, an extension with a second or third warehouse or perhaps a distribution centre. You may even be looking at different countries within Europe.

Soon, all kinds of questions come up, such as: what does the plan cost? How do you approach the expansion? How do you get a piece of land to build a warehouse? Isn’t renting a better option? Which parties are needed?

How do you do that outside the Netherlands? And what is the best location to realise the expansion? These questions are often not easy, especially when it is not a daily occurrence.

Whether it concerns the choice of location, the layout of the warehouse, the search for a reliable architectural party or the application for all permits, domestically and abroad: the supply chain experts of IDS Consultancy can provide the necessary support throughout the process. IDS is your partner for logistics management.


Our logistics solutions

Logistics optimisation

A complex logistical issue, but no tools, knowledge or resources to figure it out for yourself?

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Logistics design

A new warehouse or renovation plans? Logistical organisation of goods flows and internal storage locations?

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Logistics project management

No time, resources or experience to manage a complex logistics (construction) project? Do you want a single point of contact to unburden you?

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Purchasing support

Little experience? No capacity? Yet, do you want to buy capital-intensive resources for your warehouse, such as racks, reach trucks or collision protection?

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Property maintenance & facility management

Want to maintain a building for a long time? Outsource maintenance? Contract management?

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